They will say: “shift a little, allow me sit close to you” Ifa enlightened us that this was the technique they used on Onisaki in ancient times in order...
IFÁ SAYS, Longevity is your inherent nature. If it is not obstructed by Ajogun(manevolent forces), this present lifetime is enough for you to Restore yourself. ☆ OGUNDA AIKU[145th chapter...
Ifa enlightened us that the root cause of impulsive behaviour is Unmindfulness. When you are not mindful of yourself, you act anyhow and this can get you entangled.As a...
Whether or not you desire long life, you should understand that Longevity is your birthright. Yes! You have been designed to live long on earth. That’s why Old age...
IFÁ SAYS, “Come and Surrender in order to gain Freedom”~Ogbe Irete[29th chapter of ifa] So the question is, freedom from what exactly?Orunmila said, it is freedom from that thing...
Are some people born with bad ORÍ?Ifá enlightened us that, there is no bad Orí. However, mismanagement of Freewill can disrupt our original identity, and make us go about...
In Ejiogbe(first chapter of ifa), Ifa enlightened us that Mother Earth is Illusive. She can make you forget yourself.If you keep running after her, she will drain you. The...
When you love to show up on time for things that can add goodness to your life, it is a sign that you know how to use your time...
Venerate Ori inwardly simply means: Let the divine qualities of ORÍ become your first interest. This process is called Mind Purification. It is when you detach your mind from...
The above verse from Ifá is reminding us that: If one attaches his or her Mind to IRE, such person would become a channel of Ire. If one attaches...