Ifá says, “For you to experience total Peace, do not make people or things your source of Happiness, Practice Detachment”
To detach yourself from people and things does not mean you should disregard them, but it means you should not make them your source of Happiness, to prevent Tension, because this is what attachment does.
When you find it difficult to let go of people and things easily because you see them as your source of joy, peace or happiness, it means you are attached to them and if they leave you suddenly, you will experience Unrest within yourself, this is suffering.
We are in the MarketPlace of Olodumare together, and the only thing we owe one another is the Love of ORÍ, not attachment. Yes, we can love without attachment.
However, the major reason why ifa advised us not to become emotionally attached is because of our material nature, we can mess up at anytime and this will affect those who are emotionally attached to us, and it will cause serious pain within them because of the level of attachment. This is why some people find it hard to forgive their friends, partners, Parents…emotional attachment is the cause.
In Oyeku meji, ifa told a story about Orunmila when he wanted to go into a relationship with a female called “Elemere”. In this verse, Elemere was an unstable fellow and Orunmila wanted to go into relationship with her in order to perform his divine duty in her life, but ifa warned him not to become emotionally attached to her because of her material nature. Orunmila was advised to become attached to Ori instead, because Ori will never forsake him. He complied, and thereafter he came out peacefully from the relationship.
Similarly, ifá said we should for no reason become emotionally attached or see anyone or anything as our source of Happiness, rather we should cooperate with Orí in order to experience everlasting joy.
It is important to understand that Orí will use others to provide the support that we need for our journey, but we should not because of that become attached to them.
When people come into your life, understand WHY they are in your life, and once the REASON is known, focus on the reason alone and appreciate Orí for it. Don’t be attached to the person, just enjoy the whole process.
Also, when you are in someone’s life, understand why you are there and focus on why you are there, and don’t make them feel like you are indispensable, to avoid attachment. Understand that Orí wants you to fulfill a purpose in their life, and focus on that alone.
As far as this material realm is concerned, Emotional attachment will cause you pains, detach yourself from people and things, it is called awareness and self Preservation.
Do you understand?
Message: Efe Mena Aletor
First published in June 2020