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How Much Do You Know About ẸBỌ(SACRIFICE)?

The meaning of Ẹbọ(sacrifice) is not new to many, but how much do you know about it? .

I am going to talk about the meaning of Ẹbọ, Types of Ẹbọ and Food rituals in relation to Ẹbọ.What is ẸBỌ(SACRIFICE)?Ẹbọ(Sacrifice) is any exercise or efforts you make to enhance yourself, to preserve yourself, or worsen yourself. Any conscious act, be it good or bad is called Ẹbọ.Type of ẸBỌ(SACRIFICE).

There is Ẹbọ rere (good sacrifice) and Ẹbọ ibi (bad sacrifice) Ẹbọ rere (good sacrifice) is ORÍ based ẹbọ while ẹbọ ibi (bad sacrifice) is IRÓ based Ẹbọ.ORÍ based ẹbọ(sacrifice) is when your thoughts, words and actions/behavior are from the place of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, UNDERSTANDING, COOPERATION, OBEDIENCE and so on.

When you allow your thoughts, words and actions/behavior to come from the place of ORÍ, it means you have performed a good sacrifice(Ẹbọ rere).IRỌ́ based ẹbọ(Sacrifice) is when your thoughts, words and actions/behavior are from the place of HATRED, ANGER, ENVY, BITTERNESS, UNFORGIVENESS, LAZINESS, DEADLY REASONS and so on.

When you allow your thoughts, words and behavior to come from this place, it means you have performed a bad sacrifice(Ẹbọ ibi).Èṣù is the Rewarder and creator of Opportunities, whichever Ẹbọ(sacrifice) you perform through your thoughts, words and actions/behavior, he will reward you by creating opportunities where you can easily attract what you have put out.Food rituals in relation to ẸBỌ.

Food ritual is a tool/exercise that one can use to enhance one’s self. When this exercise is performed with total awareness, it means you have performed sacrifice(ẹbọ).CONCLUSION: The meaning of Ẹbọ is not limited to food rituals alone. Your thoughts, your words and your Actions are Ẹbọ. Is this helpful?

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