Whether or not you desire long life, you should understand that Longevity is your birthright. Yes! You have been designed to live long on earth. That’s why Old age exists and that’s why we have different stages of human development.
The major benefit of Long life is that it gives one the opportunity to mature spiritually so as to overcome ignorance. It also gives one the opportunity to prepare for one’s next life, should one wishes to come back here again.
So if ifa forsees ire Ogbo(longevity) for you during divination, simply know that Ori is giving you the opportunity to live long in order to learn and become aware of your ignorance and conquer it. That’s why Orunmila said in odu Irosun awoye that: “All humans shall continue to reincarnate untill they become fully aware of themselves and the world they live in”
The purpose of long life is for us to have enough time to learn and become enlightened.
In a nutshell, long life allows us to realize who we are. It’s up to us to take advantage of it.
Ori is not allowing us to live long just because we need to see our grand children or enjoy more material wealth, or prove to our oppressors that we are still alive…no! Ori is only giving us the opportunity to mature spiritually so that we can free ourselves from the illusions of mother earth(Ayé) and function as the superhumans that we are.
For this reason, Preserve yourself. Do not allow any entity or ugly lifestyles to reduce your lifespan on earth. Else, you will come back here without knowledge.
Aboru aboye!!!
Message: Efe Mena Aletor