

Once the real essence of Relationship is wiped out, it becomes SCAM!
And if you fall for it you become a slave & you’ll be subjected to suffering.

Having extra-marital affairs should not be considered as CHEATING or a big deal. We see it as such because we have wiped out the real essence of Marriage relationship, we are doing otherwise.

The Purpose of Relationship is not for us to make the other person our property.

According to IFÁ, the essence of every Relationship is for SELF REALIZATION. Meaning, if you find yourself in any relationship, it is for you to help your partner(s) realize their best selve(s).

Now what is SELF REALIZATION according to IFÁ?
Self Realization according to IFÁ is when you have successfully become aligned with the WILL of Olodumare(the almighty).

What is the WILL of Olodumare?
The will of Olodumare is for everything and everyone in the Universe to be in TOTAL PEACE.
Meaning, there will be zero war, zero Fear, zero Anger, Zero Jealousy, zero hatred, zero Competition, zero Greed and so on…
Therefore, the aforementioned👆is the goal you would strive to accomplish if you find yourself in any relationship; to make sure your partner(s) live above all of these devouring energies that lowers our power as spiritual beings.

Meaning, before we go into Marriage relationship we must be healed or be willing to get healed so that the will of the almighty can be manifested through us.

Once we become aware of this knowledge about Relationships, we’ll begin to have high respect for SEX because we’ll not want to pollute the universe.

NOTE: The first essence of SEX is for REPRODUCTION, while the first essence of Relationship is for SELF REALIZATION.

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Message: Efe Mena Aletor

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