The messages of Ifá are interpreted by Ifá Priests and Priestesses. But their interpretations are based on their level of spiritual awareness.
Now, If your Priest/Priestess is operating from a very low consciousness, he/she will interpret the messages according to his own awareness, and then influence you with such consciousness. Then your life will go in ways that doesn’t resonate with who you are.
And you will start to complain, you will start to see him/her as incompetent one. But here’s the question: Can a blind man lead another blind man?This is why you must “DEVELOP YOURSELF” in order to be spiritually sound, aware and live above fear.
Your life is in your hands.If you allow those who sees through the lense of IRÓ(False nature) to direct your life, then you will regret why you existed in the first place.
Message: Efe Mena Aletor