What is Idè Ifá?Idè ifá is the green and brown beads that we usually see on the wrists of Orunmila devotees. The color Green represents the beginning of one’s...
IFÁ SAYS, “SHIFT A LITTLE, ALLOW ME TO SIT CLOSE TO YOU” Is a Common Technique Used By Enemies, In Order To Hijack People’s Lives ~Irosun Okaran[79th chapter of...
Ọ̀rúnmìlà says: Strangers doesn’t inflict harm most of the times! I asked: My Lord, If strangers doesn’t inflict harm, how does afflictions get to one? Òrúnmìlà replied: Most times,...
One of the ways to express our loyalty to ORÍ is by being honest when dealing with others. We can’t say we love ORÍ yet we cheat others. Let’s...
Did you know that this thing called “REINCARNATION” is actually BONDAGE? Did you know that you are supposed to LIVE ON EARTH JUST ONCE AND DIE JUST ONCE? Did...
ifápsychology Your Spiritual husband is the person you were sexually and mentally attached to in your past life. If you are not spiritually enlightened, and you are sexually &...
IFÁ says, Our Original PURPOSE on earth is just to RELAX! Relax while we EXPERIENCE LIFE. But some of our Ancestors defiled this Original Purpose, and created suffering. They...
IFÁ SAYS:“Daily as you live,start each day with goodness. Do not start your day with Hatred, Anxiety, Anger, Jealousy, Dishonesty, Competition, Backbite, Unforgiveness, Pride, Greed…Else, you will bring suffering...
IFÁ Says:“He who refuses to move with the wise and fail to befriend good people, but decide to become friends with the dregs of the world-it is only Misfortune...
IFÁ SAYS: IF YOU HOLD GRUDGES YOU WILL SUFFER~ iwori Ogbè What is Suffering?Suffering is a state of distress. In IFÁ it is called “Ibi inú”, and when you...
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