This book provides detailed explanation about inner Orí-Work, where and how to start, and what is required in order to fulfill it. The knowledge in this book will enable you to understand how to work out your Elevation by yourself without stress. In other words, this is a step by step guide into spiritual Elevation through inner Orí-Work.
Without Inner Orí-Work, it is impossible to gain Dominion over the Mind and Senses. We are aware of how powerful the Mind is, and how it can easily get us out of Alignment with Orí, and even force us to experience internal suffering, if we have no control over it.
If one do not understand how to gain total control over this force called the Mind, one would find it hard to fulfil one’s divine purpose in this world, and it would become easier for manevolent forces to penetrate one’s space.
Inner Orí-Work gives one the opportunity to take full charge of one’s being, and this will persist throughout one’s lifetime. Hence the reason why it is called, “the King of Spiritual exercises and Rituals”.
Understand the science of MIND MANAGEMENT through IFÁ.
Aboru Aboye Abosise!!!
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