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One of the ways to express our loyalty to ORÍ is by being honest when dealing with others. We can’t say we love ORÍ yet we cheat others. Let’s learn from story of Alabahun(the Tortoise).

In Osa Obara(164th chapter of ifa), Ifa told a story of how alabahun(the tortoise) was unstable in his dealings with others, and this made him lost good opportunities.
In this story, Alabahun was a popular entertainer, a very good one. He entertains through music. One day the people of Mapogun booked Alabahun for their forthcoming event, he billed them 20 Cowries and they paid him the exact fee that he demanded. Another set of people from the town of Mapogbon were also planning their event, so they booked Alabahun for their event which fell on same date and time with the people of Mapogun. Alabahun knew he has already been booked by the people of Mapogun for that same date and time, but he deliberately went ahead with the offer from the people of Mapogbon. He billed them 30 Cowries and they paid him the exact fee that he demanded.
IFÁ had already warned Alabahun to be reliable and stable in his dealings with others, but he wouldn’t listen. He was asked to offer Ẹbọ so that he won’t lose in two ways, but he refused.
Both towns fixed their event on the same day and same time. The said date came and they started calling Alabahun to come perform for them, but because he refused to make ẹbọ, he became confused, he couldn’t respond to their calls and at the end of the day, he did not attend any of the events.
The next day, the people of Mapogun and Mapogbon went to the palace to report Alabahun to the King. The king ordered his guards to go bring Alabahun. The guards got to Alabahun’s house, they bundled him up, and took him to the palace. The king asked Alabahun to refund both parties, he also asked him to pay for damages. Alabahun refunded both parties, and also paid for damages.
That was how Alabahun lost good opportunities.

The above wisdom is teaching us to be reliable. Olodumare wants us to treat others with love and respect all the time, because this is how to express our loyalty to ORÍ. We are here to LIVE and ENHANCE life, we shouldn’t make life difficult for others, no!, that’s not who we are. When we make life difficult for others, we make life difficult for ourself too.
If your presence can’t bring peace or healings to others, then it means you are not LIVING. Message: Efe Mena Aletor – IFÁ PSYCHOLOGY

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